
Featured Initiatives

1.    Reading Glasses Donation: Providing reading glasses to improve vision and enhance the quality of life for individuals in need.
2.    School Supplies Assistance: Ensuring students have the necessary tools and supplies to succeed in their education.
3.    Water Wells Project: Drilling wells to provide access to clean and fresh water for communities without this vital resource.
4.    Cataract Surgery Program: Facilitating cataract surgeries to restore vision and improve the lives of those affected by this condition.
5.    Temple Restoration: Remodeling and restoring Buddhist temples and meditation centers, preserving cultural heritage and providing spaces for spiritual practice.
6.    Medical Clinics: Conducting medical clinics in remote areas to bring essential healthcare services to underserved populations.
7.    Temple Financial Aid: Offering financial support to temples in need, ensuring they can continue to serve their communities.
8.    Small Business Support: Assisting individuals with starting or maintaining small businesses to promote economic growth and self-sufficiency.
9.    Computer Donations: Equipping poor schools with computers to enhance educational opportunities and digital literacy.
10.    School Uniforms Provision: Supplying school uniforms to students, enabling them to attend school with dignity and pride.